Tag Archives: Lowe

Weekend Warriors

This weekend was the perfect mesh of getting things done and relaxing!

I almost always wake up before Blake on the weekends, which is perfect for me because I like to lay in bed and play on my phone for a while before actually getting up. So the mornings were spend being lazy and lounging in bed for a while, then we were up and ready to tackle all the world’s problems…..er maybe not, but we did get a lot done.

Saturday we had a couple errands to run and things to pick up from various stores.

CaptureHow does this always happen? I’ve decided that home improvement warehouses like Lowe’s and Home Depot should have Ladies Lounge Rooms where tired and hungry pregnant wives can relax while their husbands consider all 500 blades available for purchase. They would probably make more money, because then all of us wives wouldn’t be rushing the men out the door. Think about it, a couple of comfy chairs, a selection of K-cups, and a big screen playing HGTV….yep, that’s a moneymaker.  Just remember you heard it here first. 

Eventually, we made it home and got started on our big project! Following these directions, we made this blanket ladder!

blanket ladderIt was pretty stinkin’ easy and looks great! It’s very thick and chunky which makes it looks pretty cool. And oh so cheap! The wood cost around $6 and we had it cut at Home Depot for us. We bought a “miss tinted” bucket of paint for $5. And now we finally have a place for blankets in the living room.

Also on my list this weekend was painting the bookshelf for Miss Liz’s nursery. Its not quite done but almost there! I think I’ll be able to finish it up tonight. Then I just need to hang a few pictures, and find place for a couple more things to go, and her bedroom will done! I confess, I sat in my rocking chair in there for a few minute this morning before getting ready.

Saturday night, I also picked the meat off the turkey bones and cooked up a bunch of meals. I made turkey noodle soup for dinner, then two rice & turkey casseroles and a potpie to freeze. We will save those for when the baby comes.

Sunday was more of a relaxing day. We slept late, then went to watch the Seahawks beat the Rams at the clubhouse where Blake’s parents live. It was a lot of fun, even for me who doesn’t about football one tiny bit.

Then we headed home for dinner, and well…..

Pregnant wife + tipsy husband = Subway & froyo for dinner

It was delicious. 2013-12-29 19.29.25I had only the good stuff. Vanilla froyo with white chocolate chips, crushed oreos, graham cracker crumbs, a few peices of Reese’ PB cup, fudge and marshmallow topping plus lots of whip cream. MMMM. I wish they were open for breakfast! Only kidding.

And with that I’m off to start my Monday! Kia woke up at 5 am, so this should be a fun day.

Tell me about your weekend!


hanging globe lamp

Look What I Did!


This is totally new kind of post, because I did something I’ve never done before yesterday!

I took an old ugly brassy hanging globe style lamp…and turned it in to something beautiful! Something that I am seriously proud to show off!

hanging globe lamp


Sadly, I did think to take a “before” picture until I took it apart!

This was fairly easy project. I took the lamp the same way you would change the light bulb, unscrew three little screws and then the insides came out. I knew I wanted to paint the metal parts a silvery color so I just cut the old cord off with wire cutters and saved the part that the bulb actually screws into.

Insides of the Lamp

Then I had to wash all the pieces that need to be painted, and globe because it was very dusty. You can see the ugly old brass color. Ick!

Rust-oleum Metallic Paint and Primer in One Satin Nickel

I used Rust-Oleum Universal Advanced Formula Metallic Paint & Prime in One in the Stain Nickel color. I loved the matte look and the easy looking spray can. (And it was only about $7 at Home Depot) This paint was remarkably easy to use, and I don’t have the best track record with spray painting. I tend to be sloppy and impatient!

Lamp Insides

All laid out and ready to paint!

It took three or four coats to get it all painted and looking perfect! It took several coats to get all the cracks and angles. Totally worth it.

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Rewiring the the cord was very easy! I bought this handy little kit from Lowe’s for $13!

12 ft Sway Light Kit

It had all the parts and directions! Replacing all the chain was way easier than trying to paint the old one. And the old cord was just that…old and the plastic coating was cracking so replacing it just made sense. Plus the color was all wrong.

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TA-DA! How funny that with the lighting the metal looks brassy in this picture! It doesn’t in real life, it looks beautiful! Seriously, I love this lamp! I love that its old fashioned, but still modern and fresh looking thanks to a little spray paint, and new cord.

The plan is for this lamp to go into Baby Girl’s room! It doesn’t give off a ton of light but has pretty glow that will be perfect lighting for late night feedings.

I really had a lot of fun upcycling this lamp, now on the next project!